Produced and directed by Hossein Babaeean, the short film will experience its first global presence at the 10th edition of the Roma Creative Contest International Film Festival in Italy.
‘Below 3625’ narrates the story of an anti-war situation that deals with the attacks and the invasion of Daesh, the effects of which are the greatest on the innocent children in the eastern countries.
The cast list of the short flick includes Abolfazl Hamrah, Parva Aqajani, Mehraneh Ezabad, Milad Hosseini, Helma Imani and Mitra Tabrizi.
Over the last decade, the Roma Creative Contest has promoted dozens of young Italian and international directors and hosted many of the main representatives from the Italian movie industry.
The 2021 edition of the festival will be held on September 20-26 in Rome.